Scenes of the absurd

Scenes of the Absurd

Scenes of the Absurd was created at Falmouth University from September 2022 to January 2024, by a dedicated team of over 30 students. Directed by Duck Called Dog co-founders Sophie Dique and Talia Sellers, this film was the first debut of the duo.

The Story

A psychological horror following a young girl who finds herself in a mysterious circus on a mission to save her favourite toy. Here, she must watch the performance of a lifetime and finally learn the darkest parts of herself.

The Making

The work of the team ran over the course of a year and involved high levels of detail and skill from beginning concepts to the final edit. The pre-production for this film was extensive and involved both hand-made and 3D printed props, as well as hand stitched puppets and 3D modelled faces.

The Result

Scenes of the Absurd is currently running through the international festival circuit, where it has won multiple awards for it’s Animation, Production Design, Sound Design, and Music. It will be released to the public in late 2025.


Directors: Sophie Dique and Talia Sellers

Producer: Kirsten Reed

Composer: Leon Bahar

Puppets: Leigh Cleverly, Tracy Pritchard, & Talia Martin

Editing: Jess Gallimore

3D Sculpting: Jess Gallimore and Delia Popescu

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